Welcome to The Music of Heaven Download Page

To help other people study The Music of Heaven, we are making available, some of the music we have used in our research. These files are completely free and you are permitted to use them for entertainment purposes or to even do your own research. If you get any kind of success with this music, please email us a research@whitestonefoundation.org and let us know what you have discovered. If we can duplicate what you have discovered, we will mention this on our pages.

To download these files, merely right click on the desired file and click on the <save as> selection, and pick a location to place the file, either on your hard disk(s), or a "jump" drive. If you have a dail-up connection, we would suggest you download the 32 kbps files, but if you have a higher speed connection, we would suggest you download one of the larger files. Which files you choose to download depends upon a lot of factors.

Please note that unless otherwise noted, all files are 44.1 Mhz.

Bereshit - Genesis 1 to 6:8 - The Creation Story

Noach - Genesis 6:9 to 11:32 - The Story of Noah and the Ark

Lekh Leha - Genesis 12:1 to 17:27 - The Call of Abram

Vayeria - Genesis 17:28 to Genesis 22:24 - The Travels of Abram

The Malachi Project - War on Spiritual Corruption

If your church is suffering from spiritual problems, these files might be the ones you want to download. Just put these files into your MP3 player (MP3 files only) and play them in your church. Alternatively, you can create a music CD and play it in your church. You may be amazed at the difference!