Welcome to the The Tree of Life supplemental page. This music CD is one of the latest projects of The WhiteStone Foundation for Research. Like all the other music in The Bible Music Series, this CD contains music never before heard by the ears of humanity. These CDs have the power to change your life if you are willing to let them. You can order them on the front page or directly from Amazon via the following links:
Music to Change the World!
When Using Break the Curse, Restore the Soul, here is a renunciation that should be used in conjuction with this music:
Satan, I rebuke you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I am closing the doors which I or my ancestors may have opened to you and your demons. I renounce Satan and all his demons, I hate them and declare them to be my enemies and I want them out of my life completely. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I now claim deliverance from any and all evil spirits which may be in or around me. Once and for all I close the door in my life to all occult practices and command all connected and related spirits to leave me now, all doors the enemy had in my life I proclaim the Blood of Jesus upon these doors and gateways of the devil.
After you have said the renunciation, here is a Curse Breaking Prayer that will help you break many of the curses in your life:
In the Name of the Lord Jesus I break any and all curses placed against me by witchcraft, spells or enchantments. I command the curses and demons from them to return to the senders, and I bind it to them by the Blood of Jesus (Psalms 109). I break the curse of Leviathan back to ten generations on both sides of my family’s bloodlines, and even as far back to Adam and Eve. In the Name of Jesus Christ and by His Blood I break any curses of rejection from the womb or illegitimacy which may be in my family, ten generations back and even back to the Garden of Eden on both sides of my family’s bloodlines. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I renounce eating any form of blood and break and loose myself from all demonic subjection, from the eating of blood in any form. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I renounce, break and loose myself from all curses invoked from listening to ungodly music in any form. I renounce, break and loose myself from all demonic subjection, from any ungodly soul ties to my mother, father, grandparents or any other person, living or dead, who have ever dominated or controlled me, in any way which is contrary to the will of God and His word. I thank you Lord for setting me free. I also repent and ask You to forgive me if I have ever dominated or controlled some other person in the wrong way.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus, by the power of His precious Blood, I now renounce, break the CURSES and loose myself and all my descendants, from all psychic heredity, demonic holds, psychic powers, bondage, bonds or physical or mental illness, or curses which may be upon my family line as a result of sins, transgressions, iniquities, all witchcrafts, occult or psychic involvements of myself, my parents, or any of my ancestors (my spouse, an